
What am i???

i am...

-common sense
-nothing crooked or twisted
-plain to anyone understanding
-clear to those who want to learn
-more precious than silver and gold
-more valuable than rubies
-nothing can compare to me
-i live with good judgement
-i give good advice
-i give insight and strength
-if you search you will find me
-i was formed from the beginning before anything else
-with me you will always be happy
-if you find me you will win approval from the Lord

What am i???


Thanks MOM!!!

I just wanted to write a little blogger about my Mom. So i've been in the mood for spinach pie ever since my brothers birthday ( oct. 1st) and my mom decided to make it for me!! She must really love me. hahahha. I love my Mom, and i love her spinach pie!

It was the only thing that kept me going through six hours of college, and then three and a half hours of work. :)
hahah. i love my mom!!
And NO that's not a stain. her shirt CAME like that. hahahaha


Joe Christian

One of the most memorable nights of church thus far. hahah. Ok. Lori you've had some good ideas in the past, but 'the switch' was AMAZiNG!!! It was not only one of the funniest services, but i also got a lot out of it. haha.

Alright Alright. so if you aren't a highschool girl that goes to my church you proberly have no idea what i'm talking about. So we've been doing a PURE series at my church, and tonight was the final week of teaching ( banquet next week, PARTAY, ahah). They decided to seperate the guys and girls, and have the guy leaders answer the girls questions and the girl leaders answer the guy questions. BEST IDEA EVER!!! Here are some of the quotes from the night! Ah!!! haha.

Q: Why do guys like you one second and not the next?
A: No.. they don't. They like you all the time - Dougayy!

Q: Why do some guys make girls do all the work?
A: Cause that's the way God made it. - Zach

Q:Why do guys care if girls are modest?
A: If you want the right guy he SHOULD care. Every guy doesn't. How a girl dresses is the first thing that tells a guy that girls personality.
A: A guys job is to encourage modesty in a girl. The girls job is to encourage pure thoughts in a guy. - Peter
A: If you want to attract a mouse you put out some cheese. If you want to attract a scumbag, you dress provocatively.
A: ( jonathan talking) in general clothes are getting tighter ( dougay pipes in) WELL at least i know mine are! . hahahhaha

Q: Why don't guys care about personal hygiene?
A:Laziness, i can take a shower or eat some cold pizza. -dougay!

Q:Why don't guys have as much drama as girls?
A: We're a simple bunch. - Dougay!!!
A: We just have a brawl, then we're done. - peter

Some other great moments from the night, that i wont go into detail about.

" was it one of those, your in the band she's in the band"
"joe christian"
We were talking about lists of qualities a girl should have Doug speaks up " does she have a pulse". ahaha

Since my parents teach the Junior high here's a little story from theirs.
Q: What do you look for in a woman?
A: ( rj) Obedience, i want a wife that obeys me!
my dad - sounds like you want to marry a dog.
rj - when i get married i want to be the king!
dad - rj, i could see you when your married... walking into church with two pink diaper bags, one on each shoulder.

Well there it is. I love my youth group. sarcastic, fun, and in love with God!!!


Alright so here's the vid i promised. :)

Toy Story!


Alright. so for Russell's birthday he wanted to go see Toy story 1 and 2 in 3-d. it was so much fun. We had the funniest kids behind us, i'll probers put up the video soon. Russell Is such an amazing brother. He can always make me laugh, even when what he says isn't funny. haha. I love him sosososo much!!!
Me and my pretty momma. :)


YUMI ice cream cake. :P

perfect way to end the night!!! with JULIE :)


Chelsea Henson

Where to start, where to start. How about the beginning...

Well. my first memory of julie, is in C4J. her and i both had a crush on Jordan K. ( not going to say the last name.. although it's sort of obvious) and neither of us knew the other one did. I wasn't going to ask julie, i was only... what? 10, and i just started going to the church a few months ago. haha. but Julie, well she had to know, so, she pulls me backstage right before we do the offering and asks me right then and there. of course i lied to her, and said no i didn't like jordan.. haha. and we've been friends ever since.
Well this year we've become closer than ever. I'm am soooo blessed to have someone like her in my life. I couldn't imagine life with out her. She isn't perfect, but she's perfect for me. When i'm tired, and feel like relaxing, i sit back and watch julie entertain me. When i've got energy and want someone to be crazy with me... Julie is the perfect fit. When i don't stick up for myself, because i don't want to be mean, Julie is mean for me. She's always making me laugh, and always laughing with me. She gets my sarcasm, and she gets me with her sarcasm. She can also read my mind... ok. well maybe she can't do that. One day though! haha. She's a great christian, and she's not afraid of telling others what she believes ( even if sal will go on a 20 minute rant about a platypus ). But julie! when you read this. i want you to know i love you, and even though i just saw you for a lil tonight i miss you already... Love you!

Rache. :)



Ok. So.. i know i know... it's been a VERY long time since i blogged. ha. but Papa was so stinking cute i just HAD  to. i come home from cold cow, and this is what i find. My mom, Nana, AND Papa all putting ribbons on notebooks decorating them for my Mom's purity class. Haha. By the time my Mom finished 4 Papa finished one. I love Papa,.. i Love my FAM!!!

Papa, working away! :)
Close up. 
Haha. Their progress thus farr. :)