I don't think i have ever laughed so much or for so long in my life. Today was so much fun and awkward. Started off by picking up Russell and Andrew from the airport. Me and my Mom must've circled that airport at least twenty (no joke) times. Because we couldn't park and their luggage was taking an extraordinarily long time to get unloaded. Then we headed straight for the beach. Boogie Boarding. Yah. Well lets just say that Russell and Andrew left me in my time of need. They did.!. i know, i wouldn't have believed they would do such a thing either. But Russell left me for a wave and Andrew left me for some lessons in boogie boarding, and there was me and some seventeen year old, in the middle of an ocean, just us two. Awkward much? And it's not that i can't handle those kind of situations, but usually i can run away or make a very smooth exit. But when you're in the middle of an ocean the only thing you can do is catch a wave, and every wave i caught he caught too. But anyways. We played this charades game tonight, hahahaha Papa was so funny. I got the best ab workout of my life.!. Ok so we were all supposed to write down eight famous people, and those would be the people that we had to explain with just words, then act out, then explain with one word. Well Papa put down his neighbor, some guy from his baseball team, and all these other different people from his past. We couldn't stop laughing because noone would know who it was and then when the time was up he would say... OOOOh yah Spotty, he used to be on my baseball team. Maybe you had to be there. Another good day in Calii.
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7 years ago
I can't wait to be there. I'll see you on Saturday. And I won't ditch you in the middle of the ocean. :)
sounds fun. I wanna go up there :/
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